Louder Than Words celebrates its 10th birthday
Published on 1 August 2023.
This year we are celebrating the 10th birthday of Louder Than Words.
Louder Than Words is our youth theatre group for disabled children aged 7-15.
The group provides a vital space for connection and creativity. Each week disabled young people enjoy sessions packed with play and imagination. They express themselves, have fun, make friends and learn new skills in drama, music and storytelling in a supported and friendly environment.
To celebrate this 10th anniversary milestone, on 10th July we held a birthday party with current and past members, families, and staff.
The event celebrated 10 years of the group’s activities and achievements. Guests enjoyed a performance by current members of the group, watched some films that the group has made over the years, and ate lots of cake!
Louder Than Words Sharing 2022
A member of Louder Than Words sits and plays the drum while Louder Than Words assistant Bruno sits next to him playing the guitar.
We asked some of the parents why their children attended Louder Than Words and what they gained from attending. Here’s what they said:
Parent A:
“I love the way they accept him. It’s hard to find a place where he is free and I know he is safe, and I know that – he can be safe and free. Louder than Words really meets his needs. They do everything at Travelling Light. They are so good with him. They have got it down to a tee.”
Parent B:
“He loves coming to Louder than Words. It’s the only thing he loves. It’s so wonderful. He is like a different person when he comes to Louder than Words. It’s so safe. They get on so well.”
Louder Than Words session 2022
A member of Louder Than Words sits cross legged on the floor on the left of photo with a hand drum between her legs. Amy, one of our Louder Than Words assistant facilitators sits on the right.
Parent C:
“Travelling Light really meets the young people’s needs. I’ve tried lots of things before and they haven’t worked, but this does. Bristol really needs this – It’s so hard to find something that works for your child. Louder than Words has got a unique something about it, and I am so grateful.”
A participant from louder Than Words said:
“This is the first club I have ever felt I fitted in.”
In 2021, we interviewed a participant and his mum about his experience coming to Louder Than Words. You can read that here.
Charity Cycle Ride for Louder Than Words
This month, local business Vanguard Self Storage are organising a charity cycle ride to help raise vital funds to support our Louder Than Words group.
To find out more, get involved or donate, visit the campaign page here.
Louder Than Words sharing 2022
Three members of Louder Than Words.