Announcing Light Up Language
Published on 12 September 2024.
We are delighted to announce funding from Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s Arts-based Learning programme to deliver our new 3-year project Light Up Language.
Launching in October 2024 and building on the learning of our previous 2-year project, Light Up School Learning, Light Up Language will explore how drama techniques can be used to support and develop children’s oracy (speaking and listening) skills from the earliest possible stage, by engaging drama practitioners with early years settings and primary schools.
Following consultation with our partner schools and early years settings, Light Up Language responds to a direct need to support children’s speaking and listening. We will support children through targeted group work, giving them the opportunity to thrive in their learning environment.

Light Up Language
Pupils taking part in a Travelling Light session during our 2-year Light Up School Learning project.
Research shows that by the time children start school, the language development of disadvantaged children is significantly lower than their more advantaged peers. This gap widens from months to five years’ difference by the age of 14, affecting future employment and mental health. Put in this context, moments of creativity and imagination that develop speech, language, confidence and self-expression make a real difference.
Our approach will use creative interventions, such as non-verbal stories, drama, and creative play. The project aims to improve oracy across primary school subject areas and the communication and language at Early Years Foundation Stage. Children will range from nursery (mostly 2+) to primary school age.
Learning from our Light Up School Learning project showed us that working in depth and over time with schools has the most impact on pupils, and that drama based approaches were effective in developing pupil’s oracy skills.
The project will build on Travelling Light’s expertise in working with schools and early years settings, and will also trial new approaches to using drama-based practice to support oracy, developed collaboratively with schools and early years settings.

Little Lights
Children taking part in a creative play session during our Little Lights pilot project.
Light Up Language will offer professional development for both teachers and artists through ideas exchange, skill sharing and collaborative planning and working. Teachers and support workers will gain lasting skills for using creative approaches in their settings to support child development.
The project will enable children (especially those identified as needing additional support) to gain improved skills and confidence in speaking, listening and emotional literacy - supporting them in their future learning and development.
Jet Davis, Headteacher at Little Hayes Nursery, said: “We are hugely looking forward to working with Travelling Light again on the Light Up Language project, especially having had the opportunity to take part in the Little Lights Pilot project. It was inspirational for both children and staff, really allowing the children to explore their own stories in a way that was engaging, involving and a lot of fun.”
Catherine Sutton, Head of Programme (Education) at Paul Hamlyn Foundation, said:
"Paul Hamlyn Foundation is delighted to support Travelling Light to grow this work, which aligns very strongly with the Arts-Based Learning Fund priority of supporting pupils who experience systemic disadvantage to access and make progress in their learning. Travelling Light brings incredible creativity and deep expertise in using drama-based approaches to develop children’s skills and confidence in speaking and listening. PHF is excited to see this work growing in partnership with more schools and Early Years settings around Bristol."
In year 1, Travelling Light artists will be working with 2 Bristol primary schools and 3 early years settings - Hannah More Primary School, Brunel Field Primary School, Easton Community Children’s Centre, Cashmore Early Years Centre and Little Hayes & Speedwell Nursery schools. We are also working with the English Speaking Union, who are a critical friend on the programme.

School workshop
Teachers and pupil during a Travelling Light drama workshop in school.