17 and the Squeak Gobbler (2021)
About the show
Travelling Light Theatre Company presents 17 and the Squeak Gobbler, an exciting digital story and free resource for schools and families.
In 2020-21, due to Covid-19, it was not possible to reach young people with our stories in traditional ways. 17 & the Squeak Gobbler was created during a period of exploration, curiosity and play.
It is a free resource for schools to use in classrooms, with supporting activities available to promote speaking, listening and wellbeing; to provoke questions and encourage children to create their own stories.
Inspired by lockdown, a series of short films directed by Sally Cookson introduce two characters and an age-old tale about finding common ground in an uncertain world.
Seventeen is brave and curious, some might say too brave and too curious. When his dad asks for a volunteer to undertake a dangerous mission up into the Big Blue, only one paw is raised. Seventeen's.
This is a matter of life and death. Is there really a Squeak Gobbler living right above their heads? And if there is, will they all come to a sticky end? It's up to the audience to save a little life and create harmony where there is discord. Can you find the right words to win the day?
17 and the Squeak Gobbler - watch below.
To watch the films in full screen - watch our YouTube playlist here.
Part 1 - 17:
Part 2 - Squeak Gobbler:
Part 3 - The Meeting:
Watch school children respond to the question posed at the end of part 3:
Now watch the coda to find out what happens next:
Information for Venues and Schools
School Resources Pack
To accompany the films, we are sharing some activities that schools can deliver in the classroom after watching. Following each film we have a list of suggested activities for schools to explore in the classroom.
The most important element of these activities, is the discussion that follows Part 3. At the end of this film, the characters will ask pupils a question and there will be a prompt on screen. We actively encourage classroom discussion about this before watching the final film (the Coda).
Download the School Resources Pack here.
Meet the cast
Felix Hayes
John Pfumojena
The creative team
Camilla Adams
Mike Akers
Sally Cookson
May Kindred Boothby
John O’Hara
Composer & Sound
Katie Sykes